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Interest kills & a reflection on the path to here

September 26th, 2013 at 08:05 pm

My statement came in for CC2 and I've now been bounced back to 2237 from 2194. I used to just deal with interest it was just something I ignored with but now its made me angry. If I'm able to make my big payment on CC2 next week then I think I will consider moving the balance over to the other card which is having a special balance transfer offer of 0.00% offer and 3% balance fee. The rate is good until Jan 2015 and I know it will be paid off by then.

I overspent by about 9 dollars at the game but it could have been much worse. I know I can't trust myself with my credit cards when I'm out and about for an event and I'm so glad I was strict with myself. It always hurts to wake up the next day and wake up and realized that you spent and extra 70 and have to figure out where its going to come from.

This site had been great and kept me on the straight and narrow. I still sometimes lament on not being able to afford things but keeping on the path to being debt free will allow me to splurge and afford it every once in a while like I was just able to on this game.

I remember a few years back when I first was able to go on a trip and every penny had already been paid off compared to years prior when I had to put it on a card or have a friend front me the money until I could pay them back.

I remember the first time having to come up with 1400 wasn't a Herculean task. I was out of school for a semester and they wanted me to come up with the money I had owed them for the previous one and I couldn't use my financial aid toward it. I had been working two jobs and was saving up cash and had about 1200 in my account. I was able to pay mostly in cash and the other bit with my credit card. During that time I was bummed I hadn't been able to make more of a dent in my cards but I figured if it came to being able to complete my education and saving myself some money in interest then education was the way to go.

The road to here hasn't been easy. Not having a steady job has certainly been difficult. But now I'm in a place where I have an emergency fund large enough to cover a serious issue, a few months of expenses save up, fully funded mini bucket funds and less than 3K worth of credit card debt. I do hate my part time job but it contributed to this financial state. I didn't like being a temp but if I hadn't been I wouldn't have gained such varied experience that led me to be the perfect candidate for my current contract position.

I am grateful for everything I have and know that one day if I keep working hard, saving and budgeting well I will get to that magical place were I am debt-free.

The Rain just won't stop

September 13th, 2013 at 08:09 pm

I'm feeling pretty bleak today after seeing all the flood damage some of which is not that far from my tiny apartment.

Although I am happy that we did not move to a condo as we had planned because most of the places we looked at are underwater now and we are save and dry.

I'd like to move into a house someday but I feel like we have other bills we have to take care of before we do that. Husband seems to just want to move into a bigger apartment and stay there but if we have a family I'd much rather be in a house. It's equity you own it. Paying rent is like money that you piss away each month here. It's not like back home where you could write it off as part of your taxes.

I have gotten no word yet as to whether my assignment will go on but I sort of wonder if my office is underwater at the moment. Some days its hard to stay positive and this is one of them.

I've been sick for a while now so doing normal daily routines has been a struggle as has going into my other job. Right now I need to shove some food in my mouth so that I can get some more work done.

I'm just stressed out beyond belief. I try not to be but it happens at the end of every assignment something always seems to come along and wipe out my money whether its a choice I made like paying off my credit card thinking I had another week of pay to replenish the hole, or some kind of emergency. Right now I'm out a few thousand due to my medical emergency but otherwise I'm okay financially. I should have more money in the bank but what can I do.

I'm hoping that I get word soon one way or the other so I can be more emotionally prepared. It's nice to be able to post on here its almost therapeutic like.

As far as the financial situation goes nothing has changed. My credit card has still been tucked away and I'm using my cash envelope system. Next week I will get paid and be able to replenish some funds but I still have to pay off bills and pay off that credit card I foolishly racked up a balance on. Hope all is well out there in the stratosphere.

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